How long should strings last? |
Guitar strings start to lose sound quality and tunability after 4 to 6 weeks. Bowed instrument strings start to lose sound quality and tunability after 6 to 12 months.
What is a Deluxe Restring and how do I know if my guitar needs one? |
At musiciansupply, a Deluxe Restring is a service that covers every aspect of cleaning up a guitar, including cleaning gunk off the fretboard, polishing the frets, correcting minor problems like loose hardware, cleaning and polishing all finished surfaces, conditioning the fretboard, restringing and play testing.
My acoustic guitar only has one strap button so how do I use a strap? |
There are three ways. 1) Attach the strap with a shoelace tied around the headstock underneath the strings right against the nut. 2) Use a Planet Waves quick release tether at the same location. 3) Have a second strap button installed on the heel of the guitar neck. We handle this install very frequently. The fee is only $8.00 for a standard strap button installation.
I am pretty sure I just need a neck (truss rod) adjustment. Do you have a price for that? |
No. A setup must cover all the possible adjustments on your guitar as they effect each other.
What is a Set-Up, and how do I know if my guitar needs one? |
At musiciansupply, a set-up is a guitar service that covers adjusting every aspect of a guitar that affects the string height and intonation. Including the nut, neck, bridge, saddle, bridge saddles, tremolo spring tension, gauge of strings used and tuning requested. Every guitar is different and every set-up is different. We often ask questions about your playing style and issues you have with your guitar. Most commonly buzzing occurs because the strings are too close to the frets or you have difficulty playing because the strings are too far from the frets.